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The Yezidi Deception Pt. 4 - ISKONite Aids The Templars


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Mark Pinkham’s ISKONite Lackey
Vrndavan Brannon Parker

We have already learned about the Templar hand behind the Yezidi deception (here), now it is time to see who is aiding Mr. Mark Pinkham in his quest to meld Christianity, Hinduism and Yazdanism into one religion by equating the Yezidi god Melek Taus with Jesus and the Hindu Murgan. 

Brannon Parker, well known ISKONite in USA

Brannon Parker’s affiliation with ISKON is well known in the United State, he was once associated with many Hindus here, however, his constant begging for air and hotel fairs to travel to Hindu conferences gave him a negative image as a beggar.  He disappeared from the American Hindu scene and eventually reappeared in India. It is not surprising to his former beneficiaries that Brannon Parker has ended up pushing the Yezidi deception in tandem with Mark Pinkham.

Brannon Parker found “Yezidi Sanatan Dharma Society”

Brannon Parker is the founder the the Yezidi Sanatan Dharma Society, an organization with the mission to acculturate both the Yezidi and the Hindus, negating their unique identities and grouping them together.  The Yezidi Sanatan Dhamra Society references’s Mark Pinkham’s “Yezidi Truth” website on their facebook page and Mark Pinkham mentioned Brannon Parker as an affiliate of his who was to meet Modi on the Yezidi-Hindu connection created by Pinkham himself, and the Yezidi Sanatan Dhamra Society are just as driven to equate the Yezidi Melek Taus with Hindu Murgan. Yes, the two organizations work together. While Mark Pinkham fuses Melek Taus and Murgan from the Christian side, Brannon Parker fuses Malek Taus and Murgan from the Hindu side, so in the end Murgan becomes Jesus. Their agenda is the same, link all three religions which can be used as in inculturation agent by Catholics to spread Jesus worship in India.

Brannon Parker/Yezidis Sanatan Dharma Society aggressively push the Yezidi-Hindu hybridization of Melek Taus and Murgan (both who are also considered Jesus!)

by Nallein Satana Al-Jilwah Sowilo and Vrndavan Brannon Parker

There is a prophecy, which the Yezidis believe, that says all Aryan tribes will be united in spiritual harmony as one people. No other time in history, but in the past 1,500 years have we seen this happen. The ongoing genocide of the Yezidis and the support of the Hindu Indians for the Yezidis, bring one of the last of the Aryans from Iraq, spiritually and culturally into the Hindu fold. These are our cultural allies. Here in a region plagued by religious exclusivity and religious homogeneity has survived an ancient people steeped in in the worship of Tawusê Melek, the Peacock King. These are a people who feel closer bonds to India than with the majority cultures surrounding them in the Middle East…
Nallein and Mr. Parker founded the Yezidi Sanatana Dharma Society (YSDS) to unite two related and ancient civilizations, the Indians and the Yezidis. Nallein Satana Al-Jilwah Sowil can be reached at and Vrndavan Brannon Parker

Parker lies and states that the Yezidis are originally from India (they are originally from Iraq per their own legends) and tries to equate Melek Taus with Murgan
 The Yezidis are an Aryan people originally from Airyna Vaeja the mystical Homeland of Aryans which is in present day India.  The word Aryan is not related to race but refers to ‘The righteous’. The Yezidi calendar is 6764 yrs old and is the oldest in the Middle East. About 5000 years ago Yezidis migrated to Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and Middle East. At that time they were called Children of Melek Taus. Melek is an ancient Semite God of Babel and Caanite. Another spelling in Semite of Melek is Malik. Melek or Malik can be found in Sanskrit word Malaiklavon. Malaiklavon is another name for Murugan/Skanda, a God found in South India.

ISKON also promotes Jesus

It should be no surprise that it is an ISKONite who is helping Mark Pinkham to achieve his Murgan = Melek Taus = Jesus goal.  ISKON’s dogmatic attachment to Krishna and the Gita, and their condemnation of all other paths in Hinduism is well known.  While such a sectarian position is not unique in Hinduism, and does not necessarily remove one from the Hindu fold, ISKON is unique in that, while they do condemn all other Hindu paths (they usually state they are not Hindus), they very heavily promote Jesus Christ and the Bible as an acceptable means to reach god.   How is it that following a Hindu path not aligned with ISKON is considered immoral, yet being an adherent of Jesus and the Bible is encouraged? Even the founder of ISKON, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, admitted to being a follower of Jesus and promoted Bible reading, yet he condemned all other branches of Hinduism. ISKON is nothing but another pro-Christ invasion into Hinduism.

Often Srila Prabhupada would simply deny the existence of a religion called “Hinduism.” He attributed the improper designation to “foreign invaders.” At other times he acknowledged the existence of the faith, but considered it a hopelessly degraded form of the original Sanatana Dharma of the Vedas. In his April, 1967, New York lectures he remarked, “Although posing as great scholars, ascetics, householders and swamis, the so-called followers of the Hindu religion are all useless, dried-up branches of the Vedic religion.” ISKCON, he believed, was the only true exponent of the Vedic faith today. In an interview given for Bhavan’s Journal on June 28, 1976, he said, “India, they have given up the real religious system, Sanatana Dharma. Fictitiously, they have accepted a hodgepodge thing which is called Hinduism. Therefore there is trouble.” – Can it Be That the Hare Krishnas Are Not Hindu?, Hinduism Today
ISKON founder: Jesus was an empowered incarnation of Krishna
Yes, Lord Jesus was jiva-tattva. He is not Visnu tattva. When a jiva-tattva becomes specifically empowered by the Lord, he is called saktyavesa avatara. Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus Christ were in this group of saktyavesa avatara.. But they were not in conditioned state when they appeared; they came to teach here. –
ISKON founder: Jesus is a spiritual master, the bible is the book of a spiritual master, one can find perfection through Jesus
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acarya of ISKCON and living Guru:
Girl devotee: Is Jesus in the parampara?
Srila Prabhupada:He says, “there is God. I am son of God”. That is parampara.
(Bhagavad gita Lectures 1975)
Tamal Krishna: Can a Christian in this age, without a Spiritual Master, but by reading the Bible, and following Jesus’s words, reach the…
Srila Prabhupada: When you read the Bible, you follow the Spiritual Master. How can you say without? As soon as you read the Bible, that means you are following the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ. That means that you are following the Spiritual Master.
Tamal Krishna: I was referring to a living Spiritual Master.
Srila Prabhupada: Spiritual Master is not question of…Spiritual Master is eternal…[…] As you say that “by reading bible”, when you read Bible that means you are following the Spiritual Master represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of Lord Jesus Christ.
(Morning Walk, Seattle, 2.10.68.)
Srila Prabhupada: Actually, one who is guided by Jesus will certainly get liberation.
(Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, chapter 9) 
Srila Prabhupada: “This is called Guru parampara, disciplic succession..This is our process. We are getting knowledge from Krsna, the most perfect. Or you get knowledge from Jesus Christ, that is also perfect, because source is perfect.”
(Conversation, Germany 19.6.74)
“You must follow one acarya, like Christians, they follow Christ, acarya. […] You must follow some acarya … Evam parampara praptam.”
(Room Conversation, Melbourne, May 20th, 1975)
ISKON founders admits to being a follower of Christ
“Following Jesus Christ”
Tamala Krsna: Well, he quotes, “And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” In other words… “And shall he send…” There is so many statements in the Bible to allude that Christ will come again.
Prabhupada: What is the harm if he comes again?Tamala Krsna: Practically that is the whole basis of the Christians’ faith is they are awaiting the day when Christ will come.
Prabhupada: For the time being, you follow what he has said. Rather, what is the use of waiting for him?
Belief in Vaishnavism and Christianity not contradictory 
Jesus, the Vaishnavas, and the Spirit of Understanding
You know, I have never returned my Sunday School membership card or renounced Christianity. I still have my baptism certificate which, I understand, is still valid until you hand it back to the vicar asking to be ‘unbaptised.’ So that must mean I am still a Christian musn’t it? Just one with a slightly peculiar understanding of Jesus.
Jesus Christ is very important for me, and I would like to think that I understand him slightly better now – and appreciate his sacrifice more – than I ever did before.
You see, you don’t have to not believe in Jesus in order to be a Vaishnava; and you don’t have to wish ill towards Christians or anyone else.


And so the Yezidi plot thickens… in January of 2015 a delegation of Yezidi (some from the United States) landed in India, right into the hands of ex-ISKONite Brannon Parker. So the Templar Mark Pinkham's ISKONite servant is the leader of the Yezidi delegation in India, how convenient. After my work at exposing the Yezidi conspiracy, I was also chastised by other ISKONites working on the Yezidi-Hindu-Christian scam.
- Brandon Parker is excited to host the new delegation of Yezidis in India 


Templar Mark Pinkham is aided by the ISKONite Brannon Parker in his agenda to meld Melek Taus, Jesus and Murgan into one god so that Jesus worship can be brought to India in disguise. Brannon Parker uses his Yezidi Santan Dharma Society to further cement this lie and he was chosen to be the official leader for the Yezidi delegation in India. There is still much more to expose about the Yezidi deception 


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